
Below is a list of workshops I’ve developed and delivered at a number of local, regional and national workshops and conferences. And I’m always toying with new subjects. So if your group is interested in one of these, or in something entirely different, please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss. 

The Subtle Elements Of Fiction

Workshop Type: Craft
Length: Material can be tailored to fit either a 1 or two hour time slot

Short Description: This workshop explores the elements of fiction that add nuance and resonance to your writing - elements such as foreshadowing, imagery and subtext.

Topics covered include:

Handouts (available on request):

Honing Your Pitch: Making The Most Of Your Editor/Agent Appointment

Workshop Type: Career
Length: Material can be tailored to fit either a 1 or 2 hour slot

Short Description: A how-to workshop developed to help writers prepare for the infamous 10 minute pitch session with an editor or agent.

Topics covered include:

Handouts (available on request):

Backstory: Weaving It In Without Slowing The Pace

Workshop Type: Craft
Length: Material can be tailored to fit either a 1 or 2 hour slot

Short Description:

Handouts (available on request):

Secondary Characters: Running the Gamut from Walk-ons to Scene Stealers

Workshop Type: Craft
Length: 45-60 minutes

Short Description: This workshop is interactive, a mix of lecture with opportunity for audience participation in discussing and interpreting the sample passages/scenes.

Handouts (available on request):

Telling Details - Adding color and life to your story

Workshop Type: Craft
Length: 45-60 minutes

Short Description: Discuss how to use the right details to add color and vividness to scenes. Includes:

Handouts (available on request):

Taming The Butterflies: Workshop Presentation Skills

Workshop Type: Career
Length: 55-90 min (can be tailored to fit allotted time slot)

Short Description:

Workshop will cover the following elements:

Handouts (available on request):

Understanding The Stakes: Making Every Scene Count

Workshop Type: Craft
Length: 45-60 minutes

Short Description: Tips and techniques for ensuring that every scene in your manuscript pulls its weight and propels your story forward

Handouts (available on request):


Below is a list of 20-30 minute workshops I've given for various groups

Handouts (available on request):

If you have questions about these or other possible workshops, or wish to discuss my speaking to your group, please Contact Me .

Coming Soon!

An Amish Christmas Match

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